DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691
Upcoming Litter - Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs
Due: Litter name: Breed:
April 25th 2023 Steal your face (G3) Colorado Mountain Dogs


WITHOUT A NET (Mithril x Bonnie Litter notes:
May 5th 2022 - Breeding between Mithril and Bonnie was quick and uneventful. She accepted him right away, total of three ties were acheived and pups are due July 30th, 2022 if we count 63 days from the first tie.
7/24/22 - Bonnies water broke somewhere around 7 am on the 24th. Almost five days early but not "too" early. The last puppy was born around 4 am on the 25th (this would be "Baloo" a big robust female that needed some help with first breaths. We had a dark blue male lost about an hour after birth, and a blue & white female lost 2nd to last born. Bonnie was so tired by the end. We supplemented her with calcium and gave her nutritional paste - tried all life saving measures I knew. We had one that was a vibrant yellow color. Not tan or blonde, I mean YELLOW like a school bus. Because of Bonnies extensive labor It was suggested she spent time in the "mucconium" of her birth sac, and was dyed by it. She had raspy breathing for about 24 hours after birth. That little female has since passed away. Bonnie's housemate InShAllah also had pups just a few days before this. I believe was jealous and made her pups come out.
7/31/22 - We did our 3 day temperament test with the pups at around five days old. ENS excercises have been started we are now at day three of those. Silky jumps into a ball of energy when touched, recovering slower than the others. Baloo and Ace have no problem finding mom and diving under her when placed back in the nest. Cassidy recovers the quickest, is the easiest to handle when changing the bedding, not wiggling or howling for mom. Eye-da is bossy at the milk bar. She will work at pushing another pup off the nipple. Quiet pup that relaxes in your hand.
8/8/22 These puppies have been so far no trouble at all. I hear mewles and the occasional baby puppy grunts come from the nest, otherwise they are quiet content pups. ENS is going very well for everyone but Eye-da. She feels it is an unnecessary interuption to her day, and I get a resentful vibe from her. Baloo tolerates it and is the quickest to move off the cold towel. Ace gets off then stops, resting where its comfortable. Silky has obvious distress on the cold towel, needing comforting the first time. She gets more and more comfortable with solving her problem as the days go by. Cassidy is the quickest learner, seeming to expect the end of the exercises and sighing a little relief. Bonnie is letting them go longer and longer between feedings, and staying longer letting them nurse to their fill. Today eyes and ears are all open.
Cost range is between
$1,500 and $2,000
Ready early October 2022

Fennario Pick - Baloo
1. Baxter - Ace
2. Silky - Available
3. Cassidy - Available
4. Eyeda - Available
Updated 9/28/22
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Eyeda after her first bath
8/20/22 - This litter over all is behiond the norm some. They are physically wonderful - a bit over weight but that will right itself soon as they are now taking time outside their nest and wandering around. Eyeda was the first one out. Baloo still hasn't left on her own. ENS excercises did not do mujch to move their live skills in one direction or the other. Bonnie's extended labor may have had something to do with the emotional health of the crew. Silky was first born, sac off, breathing and doing well right away. She is a loveabl;e dog, well adjusted and fond of touch. She is a born "Leaner. On the other hand, the two blues werte born much later and are suspicious, not fond of touch, too stoic to be playful. There are and will be plenty of notes on Baloo sop I won't repeat them here. Please read them on her page:
Ace is coming around. We've determined he should remain close to the Colorado Mountain Dog breed wardens in an environment where his developement can be expertly evaluated. He's bossy, set in his ways and full of opinions. He is BEAUTIFUL.. Shimmers in the sunlight. Cassidy sleeps. ALOT. We've caught her falling asleep at the teat a few times. When she's awake you have her full attention. Silky is so fun. A little clown wanting to be with us more than her littermates. Eyeda is a big lady with a big personality. Bold, sassy and daring. Bonnie Lee mommy is doing SUPER well. There are no issues with her boobies this time, no extended bleeding and she has a GREAT appetite. She's ready to get back to her Therapy Dog work. Soon Bonnie, soon...
9/9/2022 - These little puppies are doing SOOO well...Dave and I were commenting on how easy they are to care for compared to other litters. Its been a week since either litter has had mom's milk or company. They've been on a few adventures - with so many puppies we need to split up the outings and experiences. Basically we pack up the car and whom ever is at the gate gets scooped up and brought along.
Their appetites are very healthy. We've started adding more complicated foods and giving them a chance to experience treats and new flavors. Sometimes we see some cow-plop like poops but nothing to qualify as worrisome diarhea right now. Its a tough age to discern upset tummies from eating everything they get their mouth on and upset tummies from their meals and actual food sources. Generally speaking I watch for signs of dehydration and runny face holes. There are none so I'm confident the loose poops are form growing pains. Eyeda took some extra grooming with needing her bum trimmed. She did pretty good with the clippers and blow dryer. Cassidy had no issues with any of the activities but she did throw up in the car after just a few minutes. The two blues haven't been out yet. Silky seems to be first to volunteer for everything so she's had double the outings of her siblings. Bonnie is super playful and doing very well. We've scheduled her spay for the beginning of October.

Cassidy and Silky on their first official car ride
9/30/2022 - All puppies received their shots yesterday and worming series. All went well with no adverse reactions. Ace went first, not caring about much of it as long as the yummy food was offered. (We let them eat special canned puppy food at the same they receive their shot). Baloo humkered down and didn't bother to explore AT ALL. "When in nothing" Far improvement over her natural attitude. Cassidy was the most bold of all in this adventure. Didn't try to get away rather tried to be involved in everything we were doing. Put everything she could in her mouth. Cotton balls, towels, the plastic spoon. EVERYTHING, in the mouth. Eyeda was "OK" with it, but you could tell she'd rather not do this today. She doesn't like being picked up, but will follow you to a point. Silky needs more exposure and self confidence. She piddles when upset and scared. Does not when she's excited. We've found Bonnie's pups have this issue occasionally - resolving itself around a year old. Silky has stark white genetics, with slight white spotting leaving the corners of her nose pink. Eye pigment is dark and she will have Bonnie's "laser eyes", - when she looks at you, you know it.