DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

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Upcoming Litter - Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs

Whelped 8/2/23 Litter name: Reckoning Breed By % Content: Maremma Sheepdog, German Shepherd, Great Pyr.
Sired by August West
Rocky Mountain Comapnion Dog
King Solomon's Marbles
DOB -7/28/23
Anthem of the Sun
G4 direct Caspian Lines
CNK Anthem of the Sun
DNA results, Temp scores
August 2nd 2023 - pups were born starting at 7 am. Delivery was FANTASTIC I did not have to do anything, and I think Anthem preferred I stay out of it. The last puppy was born a good three hours after the rest. There's alot of squeeling coming from the nest but it doesn't last long. One pup, then the next. Night time is perfectly quiet, so it may have to do with Anthem. She has had diarhea for the past couple of days but seems to be clearing up. She's happy, likes her pups, and keeps the nest clean so far. These are VERY pretty puppies, and are going to attract alot of attention. 5 males, 4 females - 2 cream/gold or platinum. 2 dark sable with black mask, 2 light sable with black mask, 3 sable with Boston or Pinto markings. (AKA "Piebald"). Notes continued below photos:

Reservations are OPEN
for this litter
1. Lulu
2. Blue Ridge
Updated 1/1/24
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Cost range is between $800 and $1500
Ready to go home first week of Oct.
What we expect to achieve with this litter:
This is a specialty litter brought about from my Service Dog lines. Temperament is my main focus, blending Solly's magical type of affection and interaction with Anthem's unwavering Joie-de-vivre. We are hoping to bring a little more size than usual Anthem's background and through Solomon's mom, InShAllah we are bringing in the arrow-straight bone structure.
Vocality is a concern, Anthem being Anthematic. Solly does have an avid interest in barking but is clearly developing a good discernment of bark-ables. The color is going to be very eye-catching. Some that have the white with sabe markings may have the black etching around the sable which is one of my very favorite coat colors.
Anthem has some food allergies, easily managed with the right food. Luckily she does well with a moderately priced food accessible nationwide. Solly has a good belly without much concern and has rarely caused us concern with consistency.
With this breeding I have put all my German Shepherd in one basket so-to-speak. Solomon is Auggie's son, so a large percentage there, and Anthem is 1/8th German Shepherd. This will need a close eye on prey drive and shyness, both of which neither parent has. The loyalty, easy to confine and a propesity to love their home and all that it encompasses This will be the first generation of my lines considered for Colorado Mountain Dog evaluation to be entered into the pedigree registry, so we will be watching them very closely for LGD aptitudes.
January 1 2024. Lulu and Blue Ridge are thelast two pups left from this litter. I've been keeping Blue Ridge for longer than the others as I wanted to take my time with evaluating him. Blue has the same type of magic soft affection as his dad Solly. I remark all the time how he is sweet sweet sweet. Lulu takes the other end of the spectrum. Between Sugar and Spice, Lulu is the spice. e leSharns very very quickly and has the same happy affection as her mom Anthem. Lulu is a heavy dog, rather short and stocky. I bet she will be mistaken for a yellow lab. Blue is taller and more athletic, stream lined with a very long tail.
November 10/23 - Only two pups out of eight have left us - Jack and Rosie. At 13 week sold they are hefty and solid. I've been spending time trying to get the to have separate eating spaces. Holler is easiest to work with during meal time as he knows his name and responds to it. Timber is such a sweet and compliant pup that he gets nervous about finding his food dish and sticking to it. Its alot of pressure for him. Lulu is the one I have to watch for resource guarding. She is quiet serious about it if I let her get worked up. All of these are signals that its time to lower the stress level around meal time. Ripple is a fun pup that likes to follow me around for chores. Never gets in the way, just does his version of puppy helping. Annie is absolutly the sweetest pup, and ever so pretty. She is spunky when we're not looking. As soon as we get in the yard she switches to little miss can't do wrong. She likes to come in the kennels when we're cleaning, calmly watching us work. All pups are now sleeping in one kennel, and using the other 6x 10 kennel as a toilet area. This is very encouraging, as it means housebreaking will be easy for these pups. Annie is the only left one from this litter we are retaining, and I am very anxious to place the others. They are becoming accustomed to kennel life, so now is the best chance they've got to assimilate to their new life.
August 18th - Oh my goodness I LOVE THESE PUPPIES!! Best scores I've gotten in a few litters. There's even a 9-10 in there. Anthem has been taking good care of them despte having a hard time keeping her digestion in check, she is taking her motherly duties seriously and keeping her nest clean. Everyone is quiet at night, during the day they get loud when they are hungry or hot. The loudest can be ripple, sometimes one of the mantled pups,. Quietest in Annie. Jack-a-Roe has taken a down turn in his thriving. Or rather, not thriving. He is half the size of the others, and he is just slightly over his borth weight. We've begun giving him private time with Anthem, allowing him to nurse until he falls asleep. At first it was VERY slow. Now on the third day of this regimen, he is strong enough to go back in the nest with his siblings, has a little heft to him, and can get to the milk bar at the same rate as the others/Ripple is the most active, Blue Ridge has his grandpa Moses' face. Lulu is the friendliest, already wagging her tail and coming to the front of the nest box when she hears my voice. Holler is going to be a gorgeous dog, solid and big. Timber is the one who scored 9-10 and still has that super mellow, easy is as easy does vibe to him. We have found a food that seems to agree with Anthem and thankgoodness is not at all over the top in cost. DIAMOND, grain-free chicken and sweet potatoe. Her ear infection has cleared up and she is not having to leave the nest to go scratch her ear anymore. Everyone is happy about that.
August 27th - Sad news to report that Jack-a-roe passed away at three weeks old. He was not doing well from about 4 days on, and just didn't grow. He stopped eating on a Monday, and passed away Tuesday night. We sure hope his little soul makes it back to us Anthem is sad too, keeps looking for him in his little ICU box. All other pups are doing exceptionally well. More to come after we grieve for a bit.
September 3rd - The first thing of note about these pups is that they DO NOT like the heat. Squallering and carrying on until I can come "save" them. They have been spending their days in the kennel out front, mommy Anthem visiting about three times a day. We've been bringing them in around 8 pm. From around 10 am to 7 pm they are spending their energy seeking and keeping shade. There's plenty of it, and we have a folding barrier that can be moved as the shade moves. All are eating well, finishing kibble in dishes at a leisurly place. Poops are wonderful! No worries at all with digestion. I made an error with "Annie" - she is actually a HE - and since that is the main premise of the sonf Jack-a Roe, is seems prudent that he can have the name, since its original user passed away before he could really use it. New Jack-aRoe is a spitfire. Alert, large and in charge, first out, first in. Little Bird Song is his counterpart. Last out, last in. Quiet, aloof and sweet sweet sweet when she's held. Does not seek attention, but appreciates it when it turns her way. Rosalee is suspicious, but compliant, takes everything to heart. HOLLER!! I think he might need to stay around. Attracted to us will seek to put himself out there and be the center of attention. He sure is pretty - might be a keeper. Bold but not assertive. Blue ridge is the one I always playing by himself. He likes to explore and finds things to get into. Lulu is still a little unsure about life. Takes her a sec to warm up. She shares her color with Timber, is almost her twin. He has a nice even keel to him. Doesn't make a fuss about anything, they are both rather quiet and unobtrusive. Currently being weaned onto Nutrena TRUE puppy food.