DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691
Adult Learning Programs
Private in home tutoring
Educational Therapy programs
After school and youth programs
Turn pages of a book
Pickup/Carry Objects
Reciprocal affection and communication with another living being
Disruption of monotony
Non Judgemental learning atmosphere
Therapy Dog II
Therapy Dog II programs focus mainly on educational and occupational Therapies for children and adult clients.
Interactions between Therapy teams and patients are usually with one - on - one or groups less than three.
Therapy II Team partner with organized city and community recreation programs, adult and child day care centers, and after school programs, in school programs and libraries. Tutoring and private education assistance can be offered through this program

Research has shown an autistic students can use the dog to help understand this emotion when they have succeeded at a certain lesson. Therapy Dog II can also help Autistic students with sensory processing disorders and improve reading skill sets with complete sentences and pronouns, sometimes difficult for autistics students to grasp.
What is R.E.A.D.TM?
The Reading Education Assistance Dogs® program improves children’s reading and communication skills by employing a powerful method: reading to a dog. But not just any dog. R.E.A.D. dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their handler as a team, going to schools, libraries, and many other settings as reading companions for children.
Intermountain Therapy Animals, launched R.E.A.D. in 1999 as the first comprehensive literacy program built around the idea of reading to dogs, and the program has been spreading rapidly ever since!
Required Reading for Therapy Ii:
"Both Ends of The Leash" by Patricia B. McConnel
Read and download the following study article:
"Canine visits and the effect of Canine Therapy in Education."
Alert, interactive and friendly. Approaches everyone with an open mind and doesn't flinch around busy crowds. Has a long attention span and can be still for extended periods of time
Therapy Dog II
Skill Sets A complete list of behaviors we train for
Steps to becoming a
Therapy Dog II Team....
CGC or Kennel Club Equivalent
10 week Training Program
Public Access Certification
Registration with ITP
Handler education and certification
UKC's Obedience Title and testing
10 week Training Program
We will have a 2 hour "Introduction To Therapy Dog II Work" will cover:
THE "TEAM" - your responsibilities as a volunteer/your duties as your dog's advocate
THE PLACE - choosing which facilities would be best for your TEAM/what to do and who to see once you get there.
THE PEOPLE - Preparing for and executing a good therapy session, reading when to end a session.
determine the needs of your students, patients and their educators/therapists/medical professionals
THE RED TAPE - Registering with the appropriate organization, insurance and facility protocol
Weeks I through III will be laying foundations of commands, Tasks and Work. Learning the steps needed for the behavior you are looking for. Clicker training and mark/reward patterns are set.
Weeks IV and V are practical application of the previous lessons, solidifying behaviors needed to succeed at Public Access Training. Certifying organizations are chosen. Regulations are learned and coinciding behaviors taught. Handler must complete required reading by this time.
Weeks VI through VIII are Public Access training, field trips to hospitals and nursing facilities
Weeks VIIII and X are pretest preparations and mock-up field trails of Therapy Dog/Handler team performance
Therapy Dog II rate schedule

TD II - Therapy Dog II
STARTER PACK - includes CGC training, evaluation and certification
Professional Package - Includes AKC Community Canine and/or Public Access
Training and Certification
Handling and processing of all paperwork
fees included.
10 week TD- II program
4 weeks + 10 week TD- II program
$400 - $500
6 weeks + 10 week TD- II program
$450 - $600