DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691
Current Litter - Colorado Mountain Dogs
Whelped Litter name: Breed:
December 26th 2022 Blues for Allah 2 Maremma x Anatolian x Great Pyr x a lil bit of Collie
HAPLO Diversity: HIGH
In'Sh'Allah=Type: B81 group: B1 Mithril = Type: H8.1 group: E
COI = 0%
Both parents are Embark'd CLEAR
OFA Certification HD CLEAR - In'Sh'Allah
UUU ELEVATION (InSh'Allah) x W2E Mithril of CNK/TOF
Click parents pictures to see their DNA and Pedigree, temperament scores

Frankie (female) RETAINED by
Fennario for our breeding program.
This is a Specialty litter partnered with
Crack O'Noon kennels, Wendy Francisco - Founder of the Colorado Mountain Dog breed. In'Sh'Allah was brought into the CMDR as a foundation dog. Her superb temperament, proven Livestock Guardian aptitudes are a bonus to her intuitive nature. She is genetically Eg Dominant, one of the key ingredients to Mithril's rare blue color.
Mithril's stoic nature and large size will compliment In'Sh'Allah's affectionate personality and small size.
Coats will be dense, medium-long with once a year moulting, otherwise low shed. Superior health in the background of both parents, they are a total outcross to each other with high HAPLO diversity.

Reservations for this litter are:
(Fennario retains Frankie)
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