DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691

Saint Stephen
Reg # FEN900-AOX-1 male
Rocky Mountain Companion Dog
D.O.B - 7/25/23
Birth Notes: 1st born, sac off, head first
Sire: King Solomon's Dam: Baloo (CMD)
Marbles "Walkin' Blues"
Temperament tests and notes
One year notes - Just days away from his first birthday St. Stephen weighs 104 lbs. He's slightly taller than his grandad Auggie, but not as heavy and thick. Somewhat square, his head is is prize feature. Very nice slope to the muzzle with no pronounced stop. This is a GOOD DOG. I'm spo glad we kept him. He's no trouble, doesn't try to push any of the rules and keeps his kennel and yard nice and neat. He stil has very little prey drive, leaves the chickens alone with no desire to harass the various harmless wildlife that comes around. However he loses his shit when a fox passes by. Thats the only time I hear him bark other than to be let out after meal time. He's much like his mom in that respect; he will make his presence known. Score 7-8 Weight 104 lbs height 29" shoulder
3 day notes
3 week plus ENS notes
6 week notes plus Score card
Stephen took a little time to fall into being handled. Once he got a sense of himself he relaxed. Weight check is the last thing we do and he was quiet and relaxed for that. Nicely colored.
score: 5-6 collar color: blue weight 18.5 oz
Stephen wanted to run the tests and he was pretty sure I was an accessory of the background. Only after a lengthy and challenging turn over did he begin to interact with me. Eventually he began wagging his tail then its like he couldn't stop. Licked the blue cone, ran for cover for the dropped object.
Score 3-4 dews claws both back legs weight: 5.4 lbs
This guy really just knocks my socks off. Attentive and observant. For the dangle he remained perfectly loose. For the turnover he was non-plussed. For the turn over he was a little stiff at first but quickly relaxed. He only tried to right hiimself once I let go. His ENS exercises really took hold - nothing seems to phase him. At 6 weeks he is a very neat puppy. Pees and poops on the edges, never see him stepping in it. He Follows, but slowly, making sure each step is safe to proceed. He will have a perfect CMD coat, thick in the winter, sparse in the summer. His prize feature is his head, but in all reality every part of him is a prize. Score 7-8
A "Saint Stephen"
Photo Journal

Male 1 year old Solly x Baloo

1 year old male Timbers of Fennario kennels, Evergreen CO. St. Stephen is King Solomons marbles x Walkin blues

One day old MALE puppy born 7/25/23 in the Timbers of Fennario Kennels Evergreen CO

Male 1 year old Solly x Baloo