DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691
Upcoming Litter - Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs

Whelped: Litter name: Breed:
July 25 2023 Aomoxomoa Maremma x German Shepherd x Pyr

What we expect to achieve with this litter:
This will be the first generation to combine Auggie's genetics with Caspian lines. Solly was selected for his affectionate mellow nature, eager to please but not over acheiver driven like his dad. He has an even keel to him. Baloo has THE perfect body. Nice solid bones and a clean well angled head. Her coat is of the perfect length, but a little thick. Hopefully Solly's shorter coat will produce a happy medium for us.

IPups were born on July 25th between 4pm and 10 pm. All presented normally with healthy placentas and didn't need help getting the lungs working. Baloo did better than I expected, allowing the first to nurse right away and being careful with it. She laid down in one spot and delivered the rest 1/2 hour apart until the last. #8 was still born and she took no interest in it. Attempts to revive pup were unsuccessful.
Rosemary is funny with her one white ear and one black. Bohdi and Stephen are almost twins and enjoy eating when ever they can. Dupree is quiet, aways at the edge of the puppy pile. The three white females are hard to tell apart right now, but one of them got lost this morning and had a hissy fit about it.
COI = 0% actual with 2% in breed similarity
AVK Ancestor Loss = 99.7%

The waitlist for this litter:

1.Fennario Pick
2. Fennario pick
3. Christine & Cotton
4. Hershak
Updated July 23/23
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Aug 2nd - pups are one week old today and doing very well. Born at 15 oz's approx they are all approaching 22-23 oz's today. Satisfied little grunting noises come from the nest when they feed otherwise all you hear is a happy buzz when you get close enough. Baloo is eating well as long as she gets specials added to the kibble. Eggs, cheese, KELP HELP supplement powder or canned dog food. I've had to bathe her once since the whelping mostly due to the loose hair. She's in her summer shed plus litter shed - there's lots of it lining her nest. Rosemary is the most active, Dupree the first to the milk bar and stays in one place till he's done. MOON likes to be on top of a sibling when ever she can. Diamond 's color is silvering, easy to spot amongst the others. St. Stephen and Bohdi are the quietest, Jelly Roll the loudest. Eyes and ears will open in the next few days, mom will start spending time away
ISeptember 17 - Over all this litter is pretty easy. At 8 weeks they are everything you would expect, and predictable both in their mischievious nature and day to day needs. They learn quickly, so far have no problem sharing bowls and sleeping spaces. Most will play with toys on their own, and I haven't noticed any quirky or odd behaviors. Their sleeping area is very clean and all the poops are concentrated in one place over night. They are "neat" and respectful of boundaries. Healthy appetites and healthy poops. Rosemary tends to be the gets picked on the most. She takes it very well, and has learned to give back as well as she takes. Bohdi is the champion wagger. Happy about everything, especially my attention. She's a leaner! Enjoys whole body contact. Stephen is a soft and caring pup, he has his dads magic affection. M-O-O-N is a sweet but stoic pup like her grandmum Bonnie. Dupree is a heavy pup. Both in body and behavior. He is a blend of grandfathers Augie and Mithril. Nice structure on this boy. Prey drive is average but his attention span for chase games is low. Diamond is the least conspicuous in a group, but he is quick to demand at meal times and bedtime. Jelly Roll remains the class clown, happy and jolly. All pups from both litters are fully weaned and eating Nutrena TRUE puppy food. They are quiet through the night, only getting vocal when their moms are let down at 7 am. They've received their first shots with no issues and a fecal of two pups was negative , so we did not repeat the parasite control protocol.
November 27 - We have Rosemary and St. Stephen left living with us from this litter. Jelly Roll, now named Kiva, has been reserved and a traininwith a training program, so she is "here" but getting ready to grace someone else's household. I have been very pleased with these pups. Easy to manage, easy to contain, no issues with their eating or digestion. In their new homes, Bohdi, Moon and Diamond are excelling and thriving, all healthy and thriving.